Saturday, May 23, 2009


When I mention to someone that I have rheumatoid arthritis, they usually just hear the word "arthritis". Most people think that's just something that comes with age. Some people are unknowingly cruel and remark "can't you just take Tylenol?" Trying to further explain to someone the difference between arthritis-type diseases is often frustrating. So, I will do my best to explain some of the differences. However, the American Arthritis Foundation is the best source for information regarding arthritis and I urge anyone reading this blog to contact their local chapter.

Here is a partial list of the different types of arthritis. Some can be very debilitating while others are a nuisance. I'll start with osteoarthritis often referred to as "Uncle Arthur". This is wear-related arthritis that occurs as we age. It is also called degenerative arthritis because of its erosive effects on joints. One develops arthropathy (joint disease and pain) as the condition advances. There is loss of cartilage and some bone loss. Joints become enlarged, and bone spurs often develop. This is one of the main reasons for hip and knee replacements, although not everyone with arthritis will need surgery. Most osteoarthritis develops after age 70.

Other types of arthritis-type diseases are: psoriatic arthritis, spondylitis, gout, infectious arthritis, lyme disease, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, junior rheumatoid arthritis (which develops in children) and lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus and discoid lupus). Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can damage joints and internal organs. It can be very disfiguring and causes swelling, inflammation, fatigue and pain. Symptoms come and go. Weather changes often aggravate symptoms. Lupus is a connective tissue-related disease, but it also affects joints causing pain and swelling. RA, lupus, Junior RA and psoriatic arthritis are all classified as autoimmune diseases. This means the body's immune system attacks itself. I like to refer to it as my body is allergic to itself. Hence, it tries to reject itself.

There are many treatments for these diseases, and more are on the horizon. In the meantime, one must trust their doctor in treating the most serious of these disease. I also take nutritional supplements and try to eat well. I do not drink alcohol and smoke. I see a chiropractor on a regular basis. In fact, check him out at He has helped me tremendously with my general overall health. If you don't live in Florida, go to his website and ask for a recommendation in the area where you live. Dr. Yachter is a leading chiropractic physician who trains chiropractors around the country. You can also find him on Twitter at and he is also on Facebook at Yachter Family Chiropractic Center. He is there to answer questions about health and nutrition and how it relates to illness. You can play an active role in healing your body.

Currently, there is no cure for autoimmune diseases, but with proper nutrition, exercise, chiropractic adjustments and eliminating health-destroying habits, you can turn your health around. I am living proof of the results chiropractic care can offer. Currently, I do not take any anti-rheumatoid medications. With the help of Dr. Dan, I have learned how to eat better to improve my overall health, and of course, I have regular adjustments.

I hope this information has helped you. I will continue my blog about my own personal RA experiences, and I urge comments, suggestions and personal experiences that you may have had with RA or any of the many so-called "invisible diseases".


  1. So glad to find you. I am also living RA naturally with the help of a chiropractor/kinesiologist/nutritionist and naturopath. I can't wait to read more on your experiences.

  2. Thank you for your comment. RA is such a horrible disease to live with, isn't it? I hope to help more people with my blog. My friend, Dr. Dan Yachter, will be providing me with many tips on how to improve living with RA. I have another friend who is quite a bit younger than me who suffers with this terrible disease. I will be posting a new article next week. Thanks Cathy. Keep me updated on how you're doing too.
    Blessings, Beverly

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