Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Last month, after suffering for months and months from red, itchy, burning eyes, I went to my opthalmologist. I knew that dry eye was a common complaint for people with RA, and I didn't want to destroy my vision by ignoring my symptoms.

I went to the doctor, and yes, I have dry eye probably related to my RA, although as people age, they can also develop dry eye. Mine is most likely as a direct result of RA. I was prescribed Restasis eye drops. We've all seen the commercials for Restasis, and they sound convincing. It is a very expensive drug. My co-pay is extremely high, but this drug is the only drug to treat dry eye. Other drops are just moisturizing drops.

The doctor informed me it would take about 3 months before I would notice any improvement. That was disappointing, but I began my journey to eyes that would once again produce tears. I've been on the drug for about 1 month now. The redness has improved, but the burning remains. Itching is minimal. Once I get to the point where I am producing my own tears again, my dosage will be decreased. I will be placed on a maintenance dose. I hope it works. I hate having to remember putting drops in my eyes every 12 hours. I am still able to use artificial tears in between if my symptoms get worse. I use my computer a lot and this is not good for dry eye, but this is what I do.

So, if you find yourself with itchy, burning, red (and I mean RED) eyes, consider seeing an ophthalmologist and be checked out. Left untreated, dry eye can cause abrasions on the corneal surface which could be extremely painful. If you happen to wear contact lenses, don't wait until you have pain. Get checked now. Contact lenses are not recommended when you have dry eye. That's disappointing for sure. But, with all the new styles of glasses out there these days, it's not a real problem for me.

In conclusion, there's always something to keep an "eye" on when you have RA (pun intended). This is just one more thing to deal with, but deal with it I will! My eyes are important. At least now I know there is a treatment for my problem. For that I am thankful.

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