Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oh My Aching Bones, Part II

In August, 2001, I was being treated for carpal tunnel syndrome by a hand specialist. He had already given me two cortisone injections in each wrist to reduce unexplained swelling and pain that I was having. As he was examining my wrists, he announced that he wanted to do some blood work on me. He was concerned that I might have rheumatoid arthritis. I was shocked. No one in my family had ever had this disease. I knew unrelated people who had it, and of course, I had read about it in nursing school. But, in no way did I even remotely think that my aches and pains were RA.

So, I had the blood work done and a week later, the doctor told me it was positive for RA. He referred me to a rheumatologist. Thus began a long journey into the land of uncertainty. I had heard about the drugs used for treating autoimmune diseases and the side effects are frightening. However, my doctor started me on very low doses. He prescribed methotrexate and Plaquenil. Being the medical sleuth that I am, I researched the drugs. Methotrexate is a liver toxin and Plaquenil, although rarely, could cause eye damage. So, here I was with the decision, "should I risk destroying my liver and eyes?" I went ahead and tried the drugs hoping that my pain would go away. I figured it wouldn't hurt to give the drugs a chance.

It would be another 6 years before I realized that these medications weren't doing anything for me. In fact, my liver enzymes increased dramatically and I had to have a liver biopsy. At that point, I quit taking methotrexate. I also stopped the Plaquenil because my platelet count was dropping.

For most of my adult life, I have been a so-called "health nut". I use high-quality nutritional supplements and try to eat healthy. I avoid sugary foods and have stopped eating red meat. I use pharmaceutical-grade fish oil in large doses. Fish oil is an anti-inflammatory. I increased my intake of fruits that were high in antioxidants. I eat a lot of salad and always have a vegetable with dinner. I love sweet potatoes and carrots (high in antioxidants). I lost 25 pounds, which not only made my clothes fit better, but took a lot of pressure off of my hips and knees. I joined a water aerobics class sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation. Water is our friend, especially if you have any form of arthritis. The water cushions your joints while you exercise. It is difficult to hurt your joints in water, and it feels wonderful. Exercising in water helps build muscle which in turn helps support arthritic joints.

It has been 8 years since I was officially diagnosed with RA. In my next article, I will explain the differences between RA and OA. Both are painful, both can be debilitating, but both are as different as night and day when it comes to treatment options.

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